Experts in DNA metabarcoding data analysis
Bioinformatic analysis of DNA metabarcoding data
For DNA metabarcoding analyses to be successful it is essential to use adequate OTU picking algorithms and comprehensive databases. DNA metabarcoding pipelines also demand high-performance computing infrastructures. At AllGenetics, we ensure expert assessment and state-of-the-art DNA metabarcoding workflows along with suitable computational resources for your project.
In our current workflows, we:
- Pre-process the raw high-throughput sequencing data.
- Dereplicate sequences and remove chimeric reads.
- Pick OTUs.
- Quality filter OTUs.
- Taxonomically classify OTUs.
- Generate different visualisations of the results

What you receive
A report with a summary of the methods followed.
The results of the bioinformatic analysis including demultiplexing, quality control of the raw data and pre-processing (removal of adaptors, primers, and chimaeras), taxon assignment, read count per taxon, and the generation of rarefaction curves.
If you require additional analyses, please let us know and we will do our best to meet your needs.