A hundred scientists attended the A Coruña DNA metabarcoding workshop

The workshop, coordinated by AllGenetics, the Universidade da Coruña, and the Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña took place last week. One hundred scientists from eleven different countries attended the A Coruña DNA metabarcoding workshop last week. This event, organised…

AllGenetics supports you after project delivery, even through the peer-review process

Schedule up to five free 60-minute sessions with our project specialists to discuss your genomics results and get support through the editorial process of your manuscript. During our seven years as a genomics-service provider, scientists from all around the world…

AllGenetis takes part in workshop «Validation & reporting of single-species eDNA analyses» to be held at the Universität Innsbruck this week

Antón Vizcaíno, head of laboratory at AllGenetics, will be one of the delegates to discuss the guidelines to be used in biomonitoring within the Water Framework Directive. Anton Vizcaíno, our head of laboratory, will be in Innsbruck this week attending…

AllGenetics, to host the intermediate meeting of ISO Technical Subcommitee regulating the identification of ecotoxicological test species by DNA barcoding

The meeting will take place in A Coruña on March 21st – 22nd 2018. AllGenetics is proud to announce the following meetings of the ISO Technical Committee 190 in its headquarters at the Centro de Investigacións Científicas Avanzadas, in A Coruña, this week:…

Scientists from AllGenetics and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche test different bioinformatic pipelines to standardise environmental DNA workflows

This work is being carried out within the framework of EU-funded COST action DNAqua-Net. This week, AllGenetics’ project specialist, Dr. Neus Marí-Mena, is visiting the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi, in Verbania, Italy. In collaboration…

AllGenetics and Statens Naturhistoriske Museum (Denmark) collaborate in the development and implementation of new genome analysis methods

Our head of laboratory, Antón Vizcaíno, and SNM scientists Dr. Anders Johannes Hansen and Alba Rey-Iglesia are meeting in Copenhagen this week to discuss potential ways of collaboration. AllGenetics head of laboratory, Antón Vizcaíno, will be visiting the Statens Naturhistoriske…

Visit our booth at the 6th Meeting of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology

The meeting will be held at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, in Palma, in January. AllGenetics is glad to announce that we will be one of the sponsors of the ​6th Meeting of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology, which…

The province council funds the acquisition of new equipment through the Pel-Emprende program

The equipment acquired will enable us to increase both the number of genomic services offered and our production capacity. AllGenetics would like to acknowledge the province council for the 20,000 euro subsidy we have been granted to acquire new wet-lab…

Microsatellite loci developed for the temperate grasses Anthoxanthum spp. using high-throughput sequencing

A total number of 15 polymorphic loci have been developed by researchers from the Universidade da Coruña in collaboration with AllGenetics. We are glad to inform that a new primer note in which AllGenetics took part has just come out.…
The image shows Sebastiano Da Bona and colleagues, during his trip to A Coruña.

Sebastiano De Bona (Jyväskylän yliopisto) wins the AllGenetics-EMPSEB Award 2017

«Interactions between local and global density drive dispersal and the spread of a rapid invasion» was selected as the best talk presented at the EMPSEB23 in Krasiczyn (Poland). The 23rd edition of the European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology (EMPSEB)…